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Each year the Chamber recognizes distinguished citizens who have made significant, positive impacts on our community by honoring them with the Chair of the Board Award, induction into the Hall of Honor, or the Besserung Award. Although these are Chamber awards, membership in the Chamber is not a requirement.
The following is a brief description of the criteria and method of selecting committees for these awards. Click on the titles for more information and a list of awardees.
The Besserung (Community Betterment) Award is often referred to as the outstanding citizen’s award for New Braunfels. It is designed to be presented to an individual who is currently providing a significant contribution to the community through civic activities. The Besserung Award is bestowed by the Awards Committee, which is appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors.
This award was created to honor those individuals who have participated in civic activities over many years. These individuals must be at least 50 years old. A maximum of three recipients may be named in a calendar year. The recipients are named at the December Board meeting and presented a framed certificate at the Annual Banquet. This award is also given by the Awards Committee.
This award is designed to honor those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the community in a specific field of civic endeavor. No more than six recipients may be named in a calendar year. The awardee is presented a letter from the Chair of the Board at a regular Board of Directors meeting, then, presented a plaque at the Annual Banquet. The selection committee is made up of the Immediate Past Chair, Chair of the Board, and Chair-Elect.
This award is made in recognition of the outstanding contributions of small business people to the economy and overall progress of the New Braunfels trade area. Selection for the award is based on evidence of an individual’s successful operation of a company and evidence of significant contribution to the community.
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